Buy furniture online directly from the manufacturer!
Transilvan Furniture
The furniture factory with over 30 years of experience and a portfolio with more than 500 different models.
Dekoratex Textile
The furniture fabric factory has an experience of 50 years in the field of textiles and home decorations.
Transilvan Briquettes-Pellets
The production of premium pellets and briquettes with 16 years of experience in the field of thermal energy.
Woodworking Machinery
Exclusive representation for 22 years in the field of machines and equipment for wood processing.
Slager Center Shopping
The shopping center has opened its doors in 2009 as the first mall in the region.
Transilvan Residence
Construction of a modern and elegant residential complex.
Transilvan Energy
Industry Transilvan has the responsibility to use green energy, renewable energy through the implementation of photovoltaic panels.
Slager Trend Agriculture
Professional activity in agriculture and tourism, dedicated to improving and protecting the surrounding nature.
Globo Line HU Commerce
International trade for EU partners.
Globo Line NRG Real Estate
Globo Line NRG is intended for real estate investment projects.
Transilvan Car Commerce
Fleet and retail car trade.
Golden Vision Dubai
Golden Vision, a new firm based in the UAE, is dedicated to conquering a new market in international furniture trade and real estate investments.
Transilvan Houses
The construction of wooden houses tiny houses, panorama houses and the construction of holiday homes.
BabyDreams Furniture
Premium furniture, with an elegant design created in Italy, is intended for the most precious members of the family.
Ever Sport Sport Club
Sports club with outstanding international results.

Upcoming projects

CLT Houses
CLT Houses


Shopping Center
Shopping Center